365 Seconds of 2021

The fifth series of 1-second micro-videos capturing my year

Troy McCann
4 min readJan 1, 2022
Another slow year, but still got to create some great memories with remarkable people

In my annual tradition, I’m sharing another 365 1-second clips representing my entire year and great times shared with hundreds of incredible people — from my closest friends to new relationships with remote colleagues across the globe.

2021 was another year of extreme uncertainty for everyone, and as much as I thrive in uncertainty, I wasn’t so impressed with more lockdowns, restrictions on movement and business delays. But, with every wall comes new opportunities, whether going for morning walks around Sydney Harbour which I wouldn’t have experienced otherwise, or expanding Moonshot’s support further across the globe and meeting remarkable new people.

This is the fifth instalment in my series, and you can find previous compilations from as far back as 2016, here.


I started curating these moments for my own benefit. A few years ago I found myself working from home and alone on a tough mission, so it was too easy for me to retreat from the world, leaving me to only experience perpetual frustration from persistently tackling big challenges without finding any enjoyment as I did so. But, as the saying goes, “all work and no play makes Homer something, something”. There are 86,400 seconds in a day, so I figured I should be able to find at least 1 highlight moment in each. In 2019 I realised that most of the moments captured are not only mine, but also everyone’s around me, so I decided to make them public. Every person who made it into my seconds, or was a part of an event that a snippet represents, is a part of my journey just as much as I’m a part of yours.

Lots of people are reflecting negatively on 2021. Our minds are fine-tuned to prefer negative news over positive, and I think more people would be better off if they went out of their way to find more of the good stuff in their daily lives, otherwise they’ll just pass you by.

If you were a part of my year at all — whether in person or via Zoom — find your seconds in this mix and let’s get ready for what 2022 has to offer. 💪

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Highlights and Major Events:

  • The AFR wrote an article about Moonshot (thanks, Jessica!)
  • I was invited to address Parliament as a part of a Parliamentary Inquiry into Australia’s Developing Space Sector, and got a tonne of unexpected direct mentions and quotes in the final report they produced.
  • After closing my very first investment fund late in 2020, it was a thrill to invest it all into 6 early space-tech startups from across the globe in 2021 — I learned a lot, and now know that I know even less than I thought I did before. I’m looking forward to raising new, bigger funds in 2020 as we expand our mentors and other investors at Moonshot!
  • For 16 weeks (and against too many odds for comfort) I led a full-time space tech acceleration program with these teams, supported by our team of incredible mentors, wrapping up with an event I’m mega proud of producing — the Moonshooter Showcase
  • My hair grew unbelievably long. I finally got it cut, and the daily comments from strangers stopping me in public about looking like Keanu Reeves or John Wick resumed again.
  • Getting to race yachts in Sydney Harbour in between lockdowns and intense periods of work (thanks David!)
  • I again made friends with a couple of rainbow lorikeets who joined me spontaneously on a few occasions. I’m not sure if they’re the same pair from April 2020, but I’d like to think so.
  • My 1 br apartment was pretty versatile during the 2021 lockdown, at one stage having a station in the living room for each of an AV studio, electronics, robotics and chemistry workshop, financial services office, strength training gym, and a courtroom. The latter, thankfully, not for me — my partner is a federal prosecutor, and patient with my extreme use of minimal common space. Thanks, Nic. 😅
  • I managed to squeeze in a handful of interstate trips to Perth, Melbourne and Canberra to catch up with friends and family which was very refreshing.
  • I finally reflected on my progress with Moonshot, and it turns out we’ve now invested $800k into 10 startups, currently worth $10.3 million. The market cap of all startups we’ve invested in is now $143 million, and our broader Moonshot ecosystem is worth more than $1.51 billion. 🚀
  • I quietly started a new space tech company of my own, getting to dive into some deep engineering again, running some incredible R&D and T&E projects, while getting to practice what we preach at Moonshot — more news to come soon 😎



Troy McCann

I build space tech startups while investing in remarkable founders and operators alongside space pioneers from across the globe as founder of Moonshot. 🚀